Sunday, September 9, 2007

Jesus Franco Trailers and Oasis of the Zombies

Jesus Franco has made over 200 movies. These two hundred movies cover the full range of human expression: From lesbian vampires to nunsploitation to Nazisploitian, Franco has done it all. Here are the trailers from a few of his fine works as well as the complete cut of Oasis of the Zombies.

Vampyros Lesbos
I first learned of Jesus Franco through the ultra-rad soundtrack to this film. Through the power of Netflix, I finally watched the movie. I can confidently say that you are probably better off watching the trailer and listening to the soundtrack.

Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS
A fragment from what I can only imagine is an amazing trailer to a horribly offensive movie.

An adaptation of the Marquis de Sade's infamous work with legendary actor Klaus Kinski.

Oasis of the Zombies
The full movie. How can this fail?

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