Friday, September 7, 2007

Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola is one of my favorite contemporary directors. She has a wonderful subtlety and eye for particularly clever moments. Her career as an actress, however, is somewhat less than stellar. The Godfather III is perhaps the most glaring example of this. On the other hand she is pretty brilliant as an actress in a couple music videos.

Chemical Brothers song, directed by her then-spouse Spike Jonze.

Mildred Pierce
In 1990, Sofia Coppola takes on the Joan Crawford role for a Sonic Youth music video.

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Sofia Coppola directs Kate Moss pole dancing to the White Stripes. This is like a fantasy come true.

Lick The Star
As a bonus, here is (in two parts) Sofia Coppola's directorial debut. In this movie you can see the seeds of the ideas for a large portion of Sofia's first feature, The Virgin Suicides.

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